My passion for food began at a very young age. Food has always been my love language. In elementary school, I didn’t miss a single day because perfect attendance meant getting invited to the Friday pizza parties. There was one time my parents begged me to stay home because I was so sick and looked like a zombie, but I said no, threw on my school uniform, and waited in the car. As the story goes, the school administrators called my parents about two hours later. But hey, I didn’t miss a day!
By age 13, my love for food evolved into a passion for cooking. My goal was to cook the entire Thanksgiving meal myself, from turkey to desserts. I even have a picture to prove it on my Instagram. I enjoy the process of cooking, especially baking, because of the precision it requires—which makes sense since my degree is in chemistry. Cooking is also how I show love—I cook for friends and family all the time. At social events, I am always requested to bring food. It started to get expensive, so I began charging my friends, and they actually bought from me. My specialization in gluten-free and vegan items was inspired by my own health struggles and seeing close friends miss out on celebrations because there weren't any alternative options.
What makes my business unique is my ability to make gluten-free and vegan items more accessible to the masses. We are in a time when dietary restrictions are common, but options can be limited. My desserts are not just good for being vegan or gluten-free—they are great desserts that happen to be vegan and gluten-free.